Radka Toms

Dr. Radka Toms is a Medical Doctor, Ophthalmologist, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and published contributor in medical journals. Dr. Toms is also a philanthropist and best-selling author. Her expertise has been featured in podcasts, summits, and professional webinars.

Dr. Radka uses decades of medical experience to passionately empower patients on a journey of self-healing, using the philosophy ‘let food be the medicine’ so they can optimize their health.

With a deep passion for exploring the complex connection between the eyes and the body, she is dedicated to unraveling the link between ocular health and overall well-being. Our eyes are windows to our health, after all. 

By delving into the emerging research on the gut-eye axis and the impact of nutrition on eye health, she desires to unlock new avenues for preventive care and personalized treatment strategies.

Dr. Radka Toms is on a mission to help people identify the “root cause” of their illnesses and get answers to their challenges to create healing so that they can feel healthier, happier, and live joyful lives.