It was my great pleasure to present some of our research at the Royal College of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Birmingham last week. I presented our work on cataract surgery combined with minimally invasive glaucoma surgery and the advances in this rapidly evolving field. I demonstrated how this surgery, as well as improving the vision and controlling the glaucoma, can also improve the quality of life and ocular comfort of patients.
It was very encouraging to hear my colleagues from around the world also talking about advances in cataract surgery. There have been significant improvements in the technology used to calculate the type and power of the lens going into the eye, called biometry. Modern machines and formulas mean that our ability to predicate and calculate the correct lens for each patient has improved a lot compared to even 5 years ago.
The other big take-home points from the meeting were how intraocular lens technology again continues to evolve and improve. With the lens available on the national health service the normal outcome is to target the distance vision. Glasses are needed to then fine-tune this distance vision, as well as being needed for intermediate and near vision. Premium lenses offer the ability to be less dependent on glasses. Multifocal intraocular lenses, which target distance, intermediate and near offer the best option of being completely spectacle free after cataract surgery. However, a small proportion of these patients do notice glare and halos, particularly when driving at night. Newer versions of multifocal lenses as well as extended depth of focus lenses provide equally good vision at all distances, however, the risk of glare and halos is much less with these lenses.
At Innovation Eye Clinic we are able to offer all suitable patients the latest lens options to suit their lifestyle and enhance their quality of life. I always tell my patients that cataract surgery is an opportunity to reset your vision to best fit your busy and active lifestyle.
As always, I will continue to provide you with the latest updates and developments in eye health. I hope you found this article useful and please feel free to share with family and friends to raise awareness about eye health.
“… I would definitely recommend this eye clinic to anyone considering a similar cataract removal operation, and especially my surgeon Mr Ratnarajan who looked after me so well and by way of reassurance kept me informed of progress during a very successful operation. At 82, I now have 20/20 vision.. amazing!”